On a Cold Thursday morning at about 8.15 in the morning Agent Jagger's plane landed at Boston airport. stepping out onto the tarmac Agent Jagger pulled his jacket closer around him and raised his scarf. quickly collecting his baggage he headed for the customs cue which was slow moving but flowing.
getting to the front of the line a bored but fierce looking woman examined his leather carry all with interest. pulling him aside the ask him to explain the contents.
despite flashing his bureau credentials this seemingly takes ages meaning he only gets to the taxi rank at 8.45 with fifteen minutes to get across town before the meeting with the "Group" was supposed to be starting arrival was going to be tight and being late to the first briefing was not the impression of himself that he wanted to put forward especially since he had no idea who he was expecting to meet.
hailing a cab and offering the drive double if he can get him there in less then ten minutes he puts his earphones on and listens to some music to pass the time.
arriving about 2 minutes late he still tips the driver while donning his hat and heading for the door opening it slowly and going to try to close the door with as little disturbance as possible, however the wind has other ideas and whips the door from his grip and it slams shut. allowing time for his eyes to adjust he views the area around him seeing a seemingly totalled family car itching to examine this he instead heads towards the rear of the warehouse where three others are two people very obviously on edge as there hands are hovering over where he can only assume are side arms and one person sitting at a table with an over flowing ashtray on it and some sort of book or folder wrapped poorly in black plastic with signs of fire damage.
taking a seat next to the seemingly calmer older gentleman who introduces himself as agent Jason who immediately asks what each of us bring to the table Jagger responds skills in examination his eyes rarely moving from the book upon the table. agent Jason runs through the rules of engagement for our cell and then progresses onto a mission briefing within which he asks the FNGs as he refers to us to neutralise four Russian Orthodox charity workers one of them isn't allowed to even speak before being taken out feeling way out of his depths and just plain uneasy agent Jagger isn't on board with cold blooded murder. taking the chance when the agent was distracted Jagger Grabs the folder from the floor where it had fallen to and was about to open it when hes firmly told replace it onto the table not wishing to anger anyone he complies and resumes listening. the old man then sends the other two to his car to retrieve some maps an places the folder in-front of Jagger informing him to read it. what Jagger reads is horrid and seems to resolve his issues with the mission instead instilling within him as sense of urgency to get the mission done. the other two return and planning resumes where they decide to hire a van and head to Springfield for more information. hitting up some group supplies or a green box Jagger grabs some first aid kits with a suspicion he will need them in the near future some battery acid to help with body disposal and a Remington shot gun. next they head ti the library to get as much information to the charity location house and occupants as possible to little or no effect. they head out to the location and book into a hotel resupply with some non descript boots balaclavas and a trip to the vet where Jagger's medical knowledge helps to gain some sedatives before they hit the target. waiting until night falls they head up the road and park near the target house and head into the woods where they discover some spikes which luckily are avoided and the reach the tip of the hill and are scouting the location where its reported that there is some sort of Russian bearded lady with a cattle prod and a rodent watching the children play in the rain with out a scope Jagger is uncertain to the bearded lady being true but hears panting he attempts to drug the dog with steak laced with them but the dog seems un interested instead he bites one of the others in the leg and cops an axe to the ribs with little chance of survival it limps off into the night and Jagger under stress attempts to bandage the wound but puts to much pressure on the bandage and makes the wimp scream out like a girl drawing the attention of what seems to be a grounds keeper...
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